Men that are balding often turn to a hair transplant to restore their hairline and also gain a more youthful look in both their personal and professional lives. Hair restoration is one of the leading areas of the country to have a hair transplant due to its proximity to the movie and television industries where a good head of hair is desired by most celebrities.
The best hair transplant method for male patients in 2021 is follicular unit extraction (FUE). This hair restoration technique takes individual hair follicles from another part of the body of the patient and implants it/transplants it into the balding area of the scalp. The typical donor hair area on the body is the back and sides of the patient’s scalp because the hair in this area of the body has shown to be resistant to balding.
One of the reasons this hair transplant option is so popular is that the hair is removed from the donor area on an individual basis. Because there is not a need for the hair grafts to be removed in their natural grouping, in a strip, there is little chance of a scar being visible after the surgery. The scar from follicular unit transplantation (FUT) would also be a sign that a patient had a hair transplant which is another reason patients prefer to have FUE hair transplant surgery.
During FUE, the surgeon creates pre-made incisions in the targeted area of the scalp. The hair follicles are removed from the donor area on the body, and they are counted and sorted by the medical staff. The hair grafts are then transplanted to the thinning or balding area of the scalp. The transplanted hair will fall out, but this is natural after a hair transplant. After three or four months, the hair will start to grow again and will gain an appearance just like the native hair on the scalp. It can take a year (or more) before patients are able to see the final results from the surgery. Once the hair has finished growing, the final results are considered to be permanent and will last a lifetime.
Whether a patient wants to have a FUE hair transplant, or they want to visit a board-certified surgeon closer to where they live, FUE hair transplant is the ideal method to achieve a healthy and full head of hair without it being obvious to others that any kind of hair restoration surgery was performed.